Window & Door Replacement
St Mary & St John's Catholic Primary School, Wigan
2 Weeks
Small Works
The Works
The scope of works included the removal of existing single-glazed aluminum windows and replacement of timber window reveals where necessary. In their place, double-glazed UPVC windows for classrooms, corridors, WCs, offices, and the kitchen have been installed.
Furthermore, existing single-glazed aluminum double doors have been removed and replaced with new double-glazed aluminum doors. An access control fob system has been supplied and installed for the reception main entrance, along with a new barrier mat for the main reception area. Upon completion, the site was cleared and prepared for the resumption of school activities after the Easter half term.

The works were completed quickly and efficiently and well within the timescale. Professional communication and updates were provided throughout. We are very pleased with the end result and would highly recommend the team.
- Louise Vose
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